aga: I am so lazy during the weekend that I do not feel to go 2 meters from my door to throw away garbage... Those two bags of garbage were waiting for monday... yeah.. so lazy I am.
aga: when i am busy... everything is on the floor... tomorrow is saturday.. cleaning day! isn't it better to clean when it's really dirty? so you can see a difference :)
aga: I forgot to take photo of Sunday with regular camera but I just realized I have one photo from Sunday taken by my phone. Uncovering my car :)
.. and again.. thank you for a help :)
domi: sunday...I have time to prepare my breakfast :)
aga: Those topics of favorite song, character ect. will kill me I think...
Inspired by.... so many photographers and so many things :) Here two boos - Stanley Greene's Black Passport and Christopher Morris' My America..
domi: I am cheating a little bit..this picture was taken 2 years ago in Ulan Bator...inspired by Martin Paar
aga: Again.. I had bad time to find one... so.. I couldn't decide between Heathclif and Robin Hood .. . Jabba the Hat.. Chewbaca :) ... and.. I choosed Reksio :)))
aga: It's great to travel. Whenever you go and live.. no matter how long.. What a wonderful world! It's great I was able to live in a few places.. and are more to discover! :)
aga: One girl at work said that when she thinks about me, she thinks about me wearing stripes.. and it seems that Domi is also crazy about stripes.. so here it is.. self portrait in something with stripes..